Sunday, March 15, 2009

Spring Ahead!

Had a wonderful day today...the sun was shining and snow was melting everywhere, I also talked Hubby into a trip to the quilt shop which definitely turned into a very successful outing indeed! Ahhh perfection..
So naturally I'm quite enamored with my new finds so I'm off to gaze lovingly at them and plan some new projects. Later chicks!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


I saw this super cute felt donut tutorial here and had to give it a try and if I do say so myself I am quite pleased with the results! My husband thought it looked good enough to eat

The sprinkles were pretty time consuming but worth it

And the best part about this project is not only the cuteness factor but that I actually had everything I needed on hand to complete my yummy looking treat!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009


Alright with the millions of things being said about softies and with my Japanese softy book on the way I thought I would try my hand at making a few..okay now don't laugh Howard was my very first attempt and without a pattern he's not that bad is he?
Oh my he is quite angry looking isn't he?

I suppose I would be angry too if I knew my fate was to be a..*gulp* pincushion!
And this friendly little guy was my Dad's 50th birthday present. Perhaps when I make the next one which will also be a gift although not a profane one, I'll make a tutorial as I go.
Look at how sweet he is :)

How odd

Oops guess we should have listened.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Mail Call

My aprons are HERE! I was so happy when I went to pick up my mail and saw not one but two little packages waiting for me. I was so excited by EllynAnne Geisel's The Apron Book, that I hopped right on eBay and found these two sweet little aprons to add to my collection of kitchen linens.

Ok So I'm really not having much luck with my pictures lately am I?

I love this green gingham you can't really tell but my pie crust recipe is already in the pocket of this one from yep you guessed it....making apple pie this morning.

This one makes me want to hang fresh clean summer laundry on the line...oh if only..summer.
Anyhoo speaking of aprons and kitchen linens I thought I would mention this lovely little giveaway over at definitely worth checking out.
So I'm off for now I think I'll take refuge from the snow in my craft room and now that I'm inspired finally make the waist apron pattern from the Apron Book ...I'll let you know how it goes.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Japanese Craft Books and Local Craft Stores

Last night I made my first foray into the much talked about from which I am now excitedly awaiting my first shipment of craft books. Bring on the end of March!

Today I also took a little trip to my local craft shop with my Grams and my mom, came home with a few treasures of which I am now eagerly plotting their futures. Although my fave is a single fat quarter of the Grinch, I just happened to look over as I was ringing out and HAD to have it I love the Grinch! Unfortunately there was only the one so I am now faced with the daunting task of finding the perfect project that doesn't involve a lot of cutting I want to keep as much of the pattern in play as possible. Any Ideas? Me either.

Later this evening I think I will start a set of quilted coasters for my living room. The other day the idea just came to me that I wanted fabric coasters and so that was the inspiration for my fruitful search today. Along with the unexpected Grinch find I also came across a lovely piece of cotton that I plan to make a new softy out of. So good luck to me on that. Anyways I'm off to get crafty.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Fabric Beads

Sorry about the crap photo..who knows. Anyways this is my latest project and after some bruised fingers and a little swearing I think it turned out pretty well. Definitely something I'll make more of it's great for using all your scraps up actually most of these are made from fabric left over from my sister's baby quilt but all you see are the sweet girly mix of colours. I've already started a black ribbon necklace. I'll post pics once I'm finished.

Friday, February 27, 2009

Beautiful paris

I'm very excited I just picked up the fabric I ordered from from Textile Junkies awesome store Beautiful Paris I already have plans for a hand stitched quilt for my guest room...lucky bed, mainly because I can't bear the thought of actually cutting such a beautiful piece of fabric. I ended up with just under 3 yards all she had and at 57" wide I think it will suit the job quite nicely. Anyhoo I'm off to tuck my self and all my doggies into bed..hubby is on night shift again.

I just need to find the perfect backing